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Connect with prospects and customers outside of the expo. Alliances Brief Execs Study Up BEFORE THE EVENT If you are inviting execs to meetings, pair the invite with See what your key customers and technology partners are doing a briefing doc. Make sure they know who they are meeting with, at Salesforce events. Know if they are speaking or hosting events. Nail Down Your Prospect List key initiatives, and goals of the meeting. Include titles, where Set aside time to attend the sessions and engage with the speaker Our strategic sales and co-marketing teams recommend they are in their customer or prospect journey, and what you after their session. agreeing on a GTM plan for Salesforce events with your key would like the meeting to accomplish. stakeholders, mapping each account with an AE, inviting Have Experts On Hand those folks to activities you are running, promoting these Another best practice among our sales team is to always include efforts to broader relevant sales teams, and not forgetting someone with a technical background for high-potential meetings. to track opportunity influence along the way. Now is the time to reach out if you would like someone from the Don’t Forget About SI Partners TE team to join meetings in person or virtually. If you are an alliance lead, the audience you’ll want to meet Book Meeting Space Early with could include customers, prospects, Salesforce employees, Meeting room space is a limited resource. Make sure you are and partners. Make sure you know which SI partners are attending famililar with how to book meetings during the event or set up and where they are speaking, and look to set up time with your your own process. Don’t forget to make restaurant reservations top current SIs and any new SIs you would like to partner with. ahead of time, too. If your organization has local office space, Fifty Is Nifty that’s also a good option to take advantage of. The AppExchange sales team recommends 50 customer and/or Get Your Marketing Materials Ready prospect meetings for a successful event. Challenge your teams Proactively work with your marketing team to drive interest prior to do the same. Leverage the relationship with your PAM to help to each event. This includes sales scripts and follow-up materials. with internal Salesforce invites to meetings. Leverage your SI list for partners attending the event and your sales team for any Maximize In-Person Time customers and prospects attending. To make the best use of face-to-face time, use qualifying questions when setting meetings. Keep meetings to 30 minutes, if possible, and make sure you give time between meetings so you have a 15-minute buffer if a meeting runs over. How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Connect with prospects and customers outside of the expo. 6

How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events - Page 6 How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Page 5 Page 7