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• Set up screen/connect to internet and test video/demos. AFTER THE EVENT reps on key prospects/customers of theirs that stop by. • Set up iPads if you have them and make sure they are charged. Bonus, you can start a Slack channel to ask for backup, share Follow Up details (including photos), and have one place to share all onsite Capture Qualified Leads A follow-up can start before you even leave by having a team in information to the home team. Have a lead scanning strategy and if you have the option, place that is ready to act. set up your questions or personalization inside your scanner. • Create a general follow-up email for your different audiences, Post Event Follow-Up Capture notes for next steps that are detailed and clear enough including those scanned at the booth and those you had The best event team means very little if you don’t have a solid for a colleague to follow up appropriately from this connection. meetings with. Better yet, create an entire nurture campaign follow-up plan to make the most of brand awareness and leads Consider having a notebook to write down key conversations if that drips over 1–2 months. captured at the event. you don’t have note abilities in your scanner. • Create the event campaign in Salesforce so you can track success. Follow up should start shortly after the event but not so soon Call-to-Action Options • Have your ops team on standby ready to upload scanned leads after that people are still traveling and catching up. The next week If a prospect is interested, but does not want a demo, have into Salesforce. is a good place to aim. a second call to action. Can you schedule time with them on • Identify your follow-up plan — who will follow up with partners • Review your pre-event work — does the general email still work the spot with an iPad? Can you have them scan a QR code so (probably alliance team), customers (AEs), prospects (BDR/SDR or do you want to adjust based on something that happened at they can access collateral and content after the show? team), and Salesforce employees (alliances) met with. the event? Take Time to Look Around • Upload leads and start assigning to the right people — SDR follow- Take time to walk the floor and see how competitors and others Create a Home Tiger Team up vs. AE vs. partner. are positioning themselves — what messages are they using, which Not everyone can attend the event, but everyone can participate. • Send your general email/start of the nurture campaign. booths stand out, etc. If you have customers, prospects, or partners • Engage your sales and CS/AM teams early to help promote • If anyone attended customer/prospect sessions, you should send speaking, try to have someone from your team sit in on the session, your attendance. that speaker a personal note on what you learned/loved about take notes, and stay after to meet and engage with the speaker. • Engage your marketing/social team. their session. Bonus points if someone can take pictures and notes. They can tag • Ask your whole company to share your early social posts the speaker, the company, and Salesforce on their social media • Create an event wrap-up email to share with all involved parties. account. Share the notes, quotes, and highlights with the AE who promoting your attendance. • Include number of booth visitors vs. goal. owns the account so they can do a personal follow-up. Stay after t • Create a social media plan for your onsite shares. Should people • Hot leads you met with/marquee accounts who stopped by. o introduce yourself and tell the speaker what you loved about the post from personal accounts, tag the company, then the session. Introduce yourself to the person with the speaker — company share? Do you want to provide photos directly to the • Highlight any sessions you saw. Salesforce AE, partner, etc. — this person is connected to your social media contact to share from the corporate site? Make sure • Send an email to any meeting no-shows asking for new time. person of interest. you have a team on deck for these posts and there is space in your social media calendar for the day of activities. Walk the Walk • Have your AEs on standby for immediate follow-up with hot leads Use your own products in the booth, if applicable. — you can send pictures of badges, notes, and more to your sales How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Make a big impact with booths and sessions. 4

How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events - Page 4 How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Page 3 Page 5