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• Send an email to any expected booth visits that didn’t stop by: Keep It Fun with engaging the crowd before and after. These people are “Sorry we missed you – we’d still love to show you what’s new.” Use an engaging speaker. Keep it interactive. Pause for moments of interested in your topic. Have your team ask what brought them • Write a blog post with the event highlights (call out those audience engagement. Tell stories and make it relatable. No one is there, and ask them to visit the booth to learn more. customer/prospect speakers). coming to your session for a product demo — they could get that at Thank the Audience and Your Hosts your booth. They came to your session to learn more about a topic SESSIONS and engage with a subject matter expert. Make sure you thank those who attended for taking time out of their schedule and make sure they have a way to follow up. BEFORE THE EVENT Build Excitement Think about including your speakers’ LinkedIn or Twitter handle Promote your session ahead of time through marketing campaigns on a slide or a QR code to follow up. Chose Your Speaker Wisely and in your booth. Do a roundup in the expo 20 minutes before Your session speaker(s) should be an expert in the topic and your session starts, tease your session on social media, and make AFTER THE EVENT feel comfortable talking in front of a crowd. Choose someone with sure your sales team is telling prospects and customers who are Get the Most Out of Your Content something interesting to share and who is passionate about the attending the event about the session. Share your session deck in the content section of your topic. High energy and engagement will resonate with an audience AppExchange listing and share as a follow-up touchpoint for leads. who is listening to people talk at them all day. Make It Actionable The best sessions make you glad you attended and give you Talk About What You Know something you can take away to use in your day to day. Make sure Choose a topic that your speaker and your company is an your session title is accurate and obvious to the topic, provide expert on. Think about what you can teach or share that not clear takeaways for the audience, and include a call to action at everyone in the room would know. How can your session the end, such as visiting your booth or a QR code on a slide to benefit this audience? access more information. Make It Professional DURING THE EVENT If you are sharing slides, take the time to make them professional. Enlist your marketing team or an agency to create Use Social Media something beautiful and easy to read. Remember that there Use social media to promote before but also during/after. could be dozens of people trying to read the screen, so use more Take pictures of the speaker and of the crowd. Highlighting images/fewer words. a product or Salesforce team in your session? Mention them on social. Speaking with a customer? Mention them on social Practice Makes Perfect as well. Time yourself and practice more than you think you need to (this includes AV testing) and practice in front of others. Ask for Include Your Team feedback, and test out the stories and reactions. And make sure If you can have a few members of your team there, it can help you leave enough time for Q&A at the end. Also build in time after your session to meet with engaged individuals. How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Make a big impact with booths and sessions. 5

How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events - Page 5 How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Page 4 Page 6