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THEN & NOW THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 How was “The Exchange” conceived? ANDREW GOTHELF “The Exchange” was conceived by Amanda Nelson, Senior Director, Digital Strategy. (GOTTI): Amanda and I were talking about all the content we’d created, and how valuable and helpful it was for the community. We wanted to find a better way to leverage all the work we’d put into producing the content and package it in a different way. So we started floating around this idea of a magazine, a digital magazine. We met with a designer, Devin Fenimore, who was on the AppExchange team at the time, and it turned out that she had previously been a magazine designer in New York. We all got really excited about the idea of using largely repurposed content involving our partners, providing sponsorship opportunities, but creating something really cool, The Evolution of well-designed, and different from a lot of stuff Salesforce was putting out there. “The Exchange” The first issue came out within a couple of months and we’ve kept going ever since. What was your role on “The Exchange”? GOTTI: For all intents and purposes, I was the Editor-In-Chief of the magazine from a content perspective in terms of overseeing the project. At the time, we had a lot An Interview with Founding Member Andrew Gothelf of support across the whole team, but I was writing the big feature story that featured partners. I tried to harken back to my journalism days in college and was thinking about how I could write some sort of big thought-provoking thought leadership piece Reading through “The Exchange” To take us back to the beginning of “The that incorporated our partners. I also was involved in all of the promotion — making sure everything fit the brand, over the years is like opening up an Exchange” there’s nobody better than and working very closely with the editors and the rest of the team to make sure that AppExchange time capsule. In the five Andrew Gothelf, Director, AppExchange we had the content that we wanted and that it all fit within the vision that Amanda years since the very first publication, Marketing Program. Andrew, also known and I had. the magazine has undergone a number as Gotti within Salesforce, has been on of changes. From design refreshes and the AppExchange team for almost eight What was the vision of the magazine then, and has it met that goal? new editors to product launches and the years and was a founding member of the GOTTI: Let’s start with what we didn’t envision. We didn’t envision this would be running addition of new Salesforce characters, first issue. In looking back in time at how for five-plus years. I mean, I think that’s really incredible and something that I’m personally very proud of. I do think that it has largely stayed true to what we were our little magazine has been the this magazine has grown, it made sense hoping it would do, which is to create something that looks great, that’s helpful for embodiment of all the changes to hear from someone whose seen the our community, features the AppExchange, allows partners to purchase sponsorships, and leverages a lot of the amazing work that our content is doing. AppExchange itself has gone through. magazine’s trajectory from what it was to Over time, we’ve changed the structure and we’ve had teammates come and go, but It’s grown and evolved right along with what it is now. at its core, creating a really beautiful digital asset that speaks to the AppExchange us. While the future is exciting to think community is what we wanted to do. And I think that is what it still does here in Spring 2023. about, it’s also important to reflect on where we started. Andrew Gothelf Co-marketing Program Director 7

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