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THEN & NOW THE EXCHANGE SPRING 2023 How has “The Exchange” changed in the last five years? GOTTI: I think the biggest way “The Exchange” changed in the last five years is from a design standpoint. We use a different technology platform to upload the content which provided a whole lot more interactivity. The way that the team — Amanda O’Reilly, our Editor-In-Chief, John Caterino, our Art Director, and Robin Worona, our Senior Copywriter — has pushed the form has been incredible. At first, “The Exchange” definitely was like a magazine that was transported into digital format with the exception of a few interactive elements, but now when you go to “The Exchange,” you really see something that is made for the digital experience. I think it’s Time Flies really amazing to engage with some of these stories and to see how fun it is to interact with a lot of the content that’s informative, but also super engaging and provides Time Flies a way to interact with the AppExchange and partners that you can’t find anywhere else in the marketing that we do. Time Flies Time Flies There is a lot of change going on within the Salesforce partner ecosystem. What are your thoughts on how customers can take When you’re having fun with “The Exchange.” advantage of what’s to come? GOTTI: I think for customers thinking about the Salesforce ecosystem, my advice would be to Twelve years after the birth of AppExchange, the keep engaging and to keep checking out what’s new, whether that’s on AppExchange idea of a partner-focused digital magazine was or off. There’s a ton of innovation happening across our partners and these partners are constantly creating new technology, thinking about their practices and how they hatched. Now, here we are celebrating five years of support new Salesforce products that would be beneficial to any Salesforce admin. For any business leader looking to stay apprised of what’s new, I’d recommend asking Salesforce’s only digital magazine, “The Exchange.” the questions: “What do we need?”, “Can we find something on AppExchange?”, “Can we find a consulting partner that’s already done this, that can help us do this faster, We thought it would be fun to look back at the more efficiently, and more cost-effectively?” some of the milestones that formed “The Exchange” into the unique publication it is today. Enjoy. Any advice or tips for a Salesforce customer reading “The Exchange”? GOTTI: Instead of advice, I would ask those that are reading “The Exchange” to let us know what kind of content is helpful. What do you enjoy engaging with? I think the beauty of this magazine is that it has evolved and continues to evolve and is able to be flexible in what it leverages, and what it features. So please provide us the feedback. Let us know what it is that would be helpful as you think about new technologies and 2007 new partners that you’re engaging with, and how you would like to understand what is going on. We want to provide information that is most helpful to the community. Salesforce Labs launches its 100th app. 2006 AppExchange is born. 8

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