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Trust Is Your Best Asset The Strategy % In a world where trust is more important than ever, it’s also increasingly more difficult to 52 attain. With data privacy and ethical business practice concerns on the rise, fostering a trusted relationship with your customers is essential. total revenue growth Credibility is built over a period of years, but can be shattered in seconds. Which is year-over-year why businesses must weave trust into the fabric of their company culture to ensure authenticity is prevalent in everything they do. Ensuring that trust is your #1 value will keep your customers feeling safe, and therefore stay committed to their relationship for the long-term. The Execution Over 150,000 businesses entrust Salesforce to safeguard their data in the cloud. Since the first day Salesforce was founded, trust was instated as its #1 value. Aligning your Revenue growth since listing brand with Salesforce further demonstrates your commitment to transparency and on AppExchange including innovation. By building your app on the Salesforce Platform, you’re adopting the same 2Oxseveral Fortune100 wins security measures and secure infrastructure that is used in our main product portfolio. Any customer data that is stored in the Salesforce database is taken care of, so your More than 2X AppExchange lead conversion compared customers can be rest assured that they are in good hands. to tenfold’s average across other inbound sources When it comes to your own security, once a partner’s code has been added to a managed package, your APEX code is hidden from the customer. This means that your IP is protected and cannot be viewed, modified, or copied by a user. All of the security measures put in place are to protect the personal information, the hard work, and innovation that our ecosystem is driving every day. We are only successful because of our customers and partners, so it is our duty to protect the relationships that they have invested their trust in. * “State of IT Report,” Salesforce Research, June 2017. 8

The SaaS Leader's Playbook for Driving Scale - Page 8 The SaaS Leader's Playbook for Driving Scale Page 7 Page 9