The Listings tab 1 New Listing: Click here to begin drafting a new listing for a solution or service. 2 Filter By: Narrow down your view by listing type or publishing status. 1 2 3 3 Sort by: Re-order your view by sorting your listings by date created or date modi昀椀ed. 5 4 7 4 Publishing card: Each publishing card represents each listing from your company with an overview of your listing details and it’s progress to completion. 6 5 Icon: Indicates the listing type. 9 6 Badges: Labels that indicate key properties of a 8 listing such as listing type, live or unpublished, and more. 10 7 Title: This text re昀氀ects the title customers see on your listing when they visit it on AppExchange. 8 Metadata: Information that provides details about the listing such as listing type (For example: The Salesforce Platfrom) and listing type (Application, API, consultant, etc). 9 Progress: How far along your listing is from being 100% complete. 10 Listing list view: A single 昀椀le view of all of your company’s listings. 16 THE APPEXCHANGE PARTNER CONSOLE GUIDE
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