When linking a packaged solution or trial template, you are When customers visit your listing, they can start a free trial with immediately led to connect to the org where it lives, connect to your o昀昀ering pre-installed. To link a trial template to your solution, the org where your solution or trial template lives in order to then go through the Solutions tab or through the Trials tab. We submit for security review and publishing it on AppExchange. encourage you to o昀昀er trials for your solutions and use it to drive Please note, API solutions require manual entry to the link where leads to your pipeline. the live app exists. For instance, B2C Commerce ISV Partner will provide a code repository link for their B2C Commerce cartridge To link your trial templates to the Partner Console, connect your or headless integration. org after selecting ‘Trial Templates’. Once you click on “connect your org” you will be prompted to sign in to the org where your trial template lives. Once your org is linked, you will see a list of Trial Templates: trial templates associated with that org in the Trial Templates tab. As mentioned above, the Technologies tab has a section for trial templates. Trial templates are used to create trial orgs which Now that we know what the solutions and trial templates tabs do, interested customers can use to test your solution. let’s go through the step by step on linking two solution types; Packaged solution, and API solution. 9 9 TTHHE AE APPPPEEXXCCHHAANNGGE PE PAARRTTNNEER CR COONNSSOOLLE GE GUUIIDDEE

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